Friday, July 11, 2008

i'm on vaca!

something I haven't said in nearly two years. I'M ON VACA!!!! First stop--the beach and a book and my August Lucky mag--and no checking-of-email...(scary)

...more later.



rashad said...

Will you still blog?

H said...

happy vaca!! rockaway beach?

what book are you going to read?

i recommend The Road, by Cormac McCarthy! Xx

Papier Girl said...

hannah! yes, how'd you know? i'm a bit burnt...but relaxed!

rashad--of course i'll blog...but i might be slightly lazier than the norm.


£ said...

*warbles* vacation all i ever wanted...

have fun girlie! :)

asabi said...

Hope your having fun Gin Gin! hannah..i read The Road..great book!