Thursday, October 23, 2008

ray charles sang me to work today.

steve martin made me laugh out loud...and it was a lovely ride.

i spied a teenage eccentric on the train, we'll call her rainbow brite. yellow hair swimming all around her headphones, fuschia skirt, black tights, red shoes, blue jacket, pink backpack. Her eyes didn't move--they stayed planted on the couple cuddled up and asleep on the seat next to me. i was mesmorized by her, and she was mesmorized by them. the couple jumped up at 34th, and left an ink pen behind on the seat, which rainbow brite quickly picked up, and dropped into her she desperately needed to hold onto a piece of them. I wonder...

Must be so comfortable to be completely nuts and unaware of it...or aware and OK with it. Even in my quest to be well, I can see the beauty in that.

p.s. My little homage to rainbow ultra yellow can't see from this pic, but it's seriously blinding--the color of a hi-lighter.


Jazzbrew said...

There is ALWAYS beauty in being comfortable with one's state of mind. When you are in that place it really does not matter what other people think. That is extremely liberating. I'd love to be there on day.

Good to see you again. I'm sending you vibes of happiness.

Papier Girl said...

Thanks for the vibes, Jazz. Yes, I want to be comfy with my state of mind...but not so much with my crazy. But that's another blog post altogether.

£ said...

You and jazz are speaking truth in here and i really have nothing better to add.

I will say that i love that sweater though! :)

rashad said...

you gotta be comfortable with the crazy too as twisted as that sounds

Jazzbrew said...

@ Rashad - that is on point my brother. I fully belive that too.

WendyB said...

That's a fascinating little scene!