Thursday, February 21, 2008

happiness in the palm of your hand.

Oh yes indeedy! And on a day when I can't really find it in big, tangible globs...I'll take some in palm-sized cake form.

I came across this new cupcake shop here in DC, and I'm posting the link here since the web site is oh-so-snazzy and because I rant at least once a month, "We need some real cupcake shops to compete with those yucky bricks they call cupcakes at Cake Love. Damnit!" (and no, i'm not linking to their yucky-brick web don't even want to bother.) My BF loves them, but my argument has been "You can't just bake dry cornbread and slap some heavy, thick icing on top, and sell them to people as 'cupcakes'--and if you could, my name would be Dunkin Hines."

A cupcake is a spectacular experience--it's more than cake! For years now, my favorites have been the rich red velvets from Billy's that awesome Kevin and I used to stuff into our faces (your favorites were the german chocolates. Right Kev?). Another plus about cupcakes, which probably makes them extra-loved by women, is that they're just the perfect sized dessert with a bit less of that pesky calorie-fat-sugar counting guilt. You can't eat more than you can fit in your hand--well, hmmm...nevermind...INDULGE!!!


etoilee8 said...

You know, I do like popping into Cake Love to cheer myself some days. . . but now that you mention it, their cupcakes are a bit heavy. . .

Papier Girl said...

the next time you plan to pop in...give me a shout...maybe i'll pop in as well. I'm frequently on U Street...I love the little shops and a couple of the bars.

Miss Black River said...

Cake Love is HIGHLY overrated. I used to go there to support the brother, but never enjoyed the actual desserts. They did have some kick-ass lemonade though.

Papier Girl said...

hmmm...thanks for the tip MBR. I'll have to try the lemonade. The strawberry shortcake gets honorable mention as well.

etoilee8 said...

I used to go to the one in Silver Spring, but now that I'm surfing the tide of unemployment (yet again), I could be coming to a U Street near you :)