Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ok, so, break starts... Not sure for how long.

They say, in order to appreciate something, you have to let it slip from your fingers. "They" also say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Both remain unproven.


rashad said...

Get your mind right Chubbs, and come back strong(er).

Jazzbrew said...

Ditto what Rashad said. I will miss you though...

H said...

aww, this picture is sooo pretty!!! you look beautiful

Unknown said...

Oh well. I guess this sabbatical will force me to be a better friend too, just so I can stay updated on your life the way I have been in the recent months. Enjoy the holiday break if you can. There is something magical about Rockefeller Center at Christmas time. Love you and talk to you soon!