Thursday, February 18, 2010

in my mind, i'm a ballerina...

Unless you're one of the lucky few, everyone has an alter-ego, make-believe job. Or that magical artsy career you always wanted when you grew up that never happened because you opted for a "real world" grown-up degree in Poli-Sci or Journalism over the Theater Arts one. Feel free to blame your parents for that one.

In my magical-artsy-career mind, I've always been a ballerina. And although I've never taken a class (hopefully that'll change soon), my-friend-Peter says I move like a dancer...and another friend once remarked "are you a dancer? Because you have very strong toes." ;-) At 32, I'd have to say it's a little too late for me to pirouette or plié on the New York City Ballet stage...but one can dream. And by dream, I mean play dress-up...
I came across this skirt today on the UO sale web site (damn them for those sale reminders!). How lovely for Spring! My first impulse was to go for the pink for the sake of fantasy and flair (plus, anything goes in nyc, right?). But on second thought, gray might be more practical, more down-to-earth, more suitable for real life. What say you—gray or pink?


Peas said...

I say pink! I actually really like soft almost peachy pinks like that.

Angelica said...

Definitely gray :-)

Papier Girl said...

so that's one for gray and one for pink (thanks, you Peas and Angelica!). Anyone care to break the tie? Otherwise I may have to have one in each color...

H said...

gray :) or purple or blue...

this week's project runway btw had the designers make clothes for little girls - and these little girls on were so adorable on the catwalk! i think the youngest one must have been 3 or 4

£ said...

im voting gray, though either would look lovely on you chubbs. But i've always been partial to grays and blacks and neutrals - so im biased. I think you could get a lot more wear out of the gray though.

Anthropologie and UO and JCrew are killing my wallet right now!

Janelle said...

I vote for both - wear the gray when you feel practical and real life-ish, then wear the pink when you want to feel whimsical, girly, and fanciful. And yes, anything goes in NYC!! ;)

Papier Girl said...

so i guess that settles it then...i'll get both! thanks loveys!